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This page links to all the writing to do with the Right-Step AU. If you're looking for the Right-Step AU in general, click here.

Let's Set Pyro on Fire


For this one I basically just wanted to get an idea of what this AU would actually play out like. Battle-wise, I mean. Experimental piece, not doing a lot of storytelling so much as just trying to block out a picture of the world. It's actually out of date by now, too! Some of the things described just. Aren't part of the world anymore. So. Yeah.

I don't know what map I'm on. In my brain there's just a flat white plain with three routes to the point and some silly men frolicking around with guns and high explosives.


Rated Teen and Up/PG for TF2 being TF2. Features most of the mercenaries, except for RS!Medic (Engineer) and RS!Spy (Sniper) who unfortunately are stuck in respawn the whole time.
Depictions of cider may be innacurate. Which is probably why I changed the item to a harder form of liquor.