Medic TF2 - Resources
Quick Notes - Medic
Medics's name is Ludwig - it is unclear as to whether this is a forename or surname. He is the fourth-tallest mercenary, with a build generally often described as 'top-heavy' or 'Dorito-shaped', depending on the attitudes of the speaker.
In-game, he has dark or black hair (either buzzed or greying near the ears), with an peach/apricot skintone slightly lighter than Scout's. He uses the generic blue eye model. He has a longish face with an prominent but rounded-off jaw. He has distinctly-shaped brows with a sort of flick at the ends, and a narrow hooked nose.
In the comics, he is drawn with a yellower, paler skintone, slightly darker than Scout's comic skintone.
List of Organs and Bits of Organs
Some would argue that this resource might contain more information than medic knows. Others would contest that it's the basics. Who knows